There are ten principals that explain almost everything.

  1. Follow the Money.
    1. The money trail usually leads to the "4 headed beast", i.e. Governments, Banks, Big Businesses and Organized Crime.
  2. People are greedy.
    1. Especially those in government
  3. People are wasteful.
    1. Especially those in government
    2. We buy stuff, just to throw it away
      1. Trash-bags,
      2. plastic cups, flatware, paper towels, etc.
        1. anything else disposable
  4. People are stupid.
    1. Especially those in government
      1. "Pro" and "Con" are opposite prefixes. Therefore, the opposite of progress is Congress.
      2. A group of baboons is also called a congress
    2. Can't Fix Stupid
  5. People are forgetful.
    1. I have a fantastic memory; and my forgottory is even better.
  6. People lie
    1. Especially those in government
  7. People are mean
    1. vindictive
    2. disrespectful
    3. just don't care
  8. Delivery people get no respect (See rule 4) "Go figure." ~Bob Newhart~
    1. And some sales persons
    2. Any who can pass a literacy test should be fired
See rule 4

  1. See Rule 5
  2. See rule 5

You have the Power to be the exception. (maybe not 1 & 5).